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Electrifying Astrology: An Exclusive Look At The Year's Juiciest Cosmic Events for Life & Relationships!
Eileen Mello
Second Generation
Evolutionary Astrologer
Meet Eileen
Hi, I'm Eileen! I’ve been immersed in astrology since I was a tween and my mother began her astrological training. Fast forward 25 years. 

One of the things I’ve heard over and over again from clients and students is: 

"Well, I wish I had known about that planetary event when it was happening!" 

That’s why I’ve created this list for you. 

Now, you'll always be prepared to navigate the year's juiciest days to your best advantage!
Mystically Minded?
Are you astrologically curious or mystically minded? Then you will love this tool! Short and simple, yet super useful, you can keep it on your device or print it out.

It includes the juiciest, most important planetary transits, like: 

  • Mercury Retrogrades (not again!)
  • Venus Retrograde (why hello old lovers!)
  • Eclipse Seasons (unexpected change, oh my)  
Effortlessly link the year's most important planetary dates (+ helpful tips!) straight to your digital calendar. 

And navigate the year's most powerful energies like a boss! 

Do you ever find yourself wondering or worrying about the day's astrology and how it's effecting life and love? 

Then this free tool is perfect for you, regardless of your knowledge level.